Welcome to Living Inspired!

Finding wellbeing, inspiration and joy

Welcome to Living Inspired!

Living inspired means living a life that is fuelled by a deep sense of purpose, passion, and creativity. It’s about being motivated by inner values, aspirations, and a genuine desire to make the most of each moment. When you live inspired, you are driven by a spark that ignites your actions, thoughts, and decisions.

Me, personally I`ve been mostly driven and inspired by travelling and exploring the new, the different, the world.

I’ve been always a traveller and adventurer and I still am. I love to be on a journey, to explore and to discover. These are some of the things that inspire me the most. Since I have started my journey towards myself many years ago, exploring my inner world in different ways, I keep discovering who I am and what ignites my fire. This journey was probably the most surprising, transformative, healing and inspiring one.

Unlocking and unblocking what has been in the way for many years, taking care of the wounds beneath, shifting perspectives, rewiring the inner landscape and creating new experiences, has revealed a large potential to be and to become who I really am and who I want to be as well as live my life the way I envision: Living inspired and inspire others.

„There is only one way out, and this is through.
There is only one way up, and this is if we all go together.“

So, if any of this resonates with you, and you find yourself going through something or looking for a change in your life, you are on the right page and welcome to get in touch with me! I would love to facilitate, support and guide you on this kind of journey towards the transformation and change you wish for in your life. Together, we`ll go through, out and up!

Somatic Experiencing - Trauma Therapy

Yes, I Am!

When was the last time you felt most yourself & enjoyed yourself? How did that feel? What happened then?

Trauma is not a life sentence, I heard someone saying once. I agree. Somatic Experience is a body oriented approach to address & heal the effects of trauma on the body and nervous system.

I am curious about you & how I can support you to rebuild and restore what got lost.

Holding space for you, being present with you and guiding you as your ally in whatever you encounter. We walk your path together.

Coaching & Counseling

You know your Way!

What is good in your life at this moment? What makes you smile? What is it that you would like to achieve?

To these and many other questions you have the answer yourself. And yet, you often just don`t know what and how?

I`ll be happy to guide you and support you in finding answers to your questions and next action steps to take towards your goals.

Yoga, Aerial Yoga & Movement

Movement is Medicine!

Wanting to move, stretch, strengthen, get in touch with your own body? Don`t know how or need some inspiration?

Yoga, Aerial yoga, Walking, Dancing, Embodiment practice… all better customised and in company?

I`ll be there to facilitate whatever you need to get moving and get in touch with your own beautiful and unique body.

Curious about yourself & about how I can support you?

Get in touch with me! I am looking forward to hearing from you!