Psychosocial Counseling

Guidance & Support for your Wellbeing

Psychosocial counseling provides preventative and development-oriented support to you in the various areas of you life and phases of life, while taking your personal resources into account, so that you can develop specific skills relevant to everyday life.

Psychosocial Counseling

We live in a world that is constantly changing and that demands a lot of flexibility from our modern societies and from us with increasing speed and frequency in terms of social integration and individual coping with life. That`s where Psychosocial counseling can be much of a support in all areas of life, all phases of life and all life contexts for you as individual but also groups, organisations and institutions.

As psychosocial counselor I accompany you in challenging life contexts or situations and in crucial developmental steps as well as life crises, to support you in your respective life context in an informative, preventive and development-promoting manner: I support your orientation-, planning-, decision making- and coping-process  while considering your personal and social coping resources.

Psychosocial counseling includes an image of people and society that always considers individual psychological and social well-being in the context of existing socio-cultural living and environmental conditions.

My approach here is also to promote your personal responsibility to help you to further develop your behaviour and experience patterns and to improve your personal well-being, whereby it is important to work resource-oriented (and not only exclusively problem-oriented).

What is the difference between Coaching & Psychosocial counseling?

Counseling is often about given figures, data, facts, concrete recommendations and ready-made solutions, and less about individual, competency-oriented process support, as is the case in coaching. There are different divisions of tasks and attitudes between counseling and coaching:

  • The counselor is an expert and makes concrete suggestions to the client about what to do. The client is responsible for the implementation him-/herself.
  • The coach sees the client as an expert for the content, i.e. for the solution to his/her specific concern. As a process facilitator, the coach supports her clients in gaining this knowledge and working out a way of how and with what resources this solution can be implemented. The client’s implementation process can be supported upon request.

How I can support you

When you experience that your worries are determining your everyday life and that you are experiencing persistent limitations, such as insomnia, difficulty concentrating, loss of motivation or nausea, or you are in the midst of a crises or encountering any other difficulties in life that you suddenly seem to not be able to cope with, psychosocial counseling and guidance might help you.

I support and accompany you in your various areas of life, life tasks and phases of life, when you need to solve current problems, are suffering from an acute crisis or want to learn certain skills in order to get through life better overall.

In addition to the resource-based process, your patterns, coping strategies and personal beliefs are the focus as well as your life circumstances, your social and support network.

Together we will find ways to improve your personal opportunities and ways to live in your own environment and to participate in social life.

Examples of where psychosocial guidance might be needed include social support, loneliness, marital status, social disruption, grief, work environment, social status, social integration, and crisis intervention.

My support is yours!

+32 472 17 17 29

+43 664 276 14 46